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Spidar multi-channel array radar system can be configured with pulseEKKO series and noggin series high, medium and low frequency antennas. All antennas are all digital antennas. It can be configured into the same frequency multi-channel, multi-frequency multi-channel, multi-fold multi-channel, one transmitter multi receivers and multi transmitters multi receivers array three-dimensional acquisition radar system according to the needs of customers, which can complete the rapid detection of large-area roads, rapid detection and positioning of large-area underground pipelines, quickly and efficiently locate the direction, size and other parameters of underground 3D target objects.

Manufacturer: Canada, Sensors & Software Inc.


large area survey area, road, underground pipeline rapid detection, rapid recognization of underground three-dimensional target; Scientific research and teaching demonstration, etc.


All are digital antennas 

Compatible with all ground antennas

Unlimited number of channels: 3D array radar with any number of channels can be configured

Single frequency multiple antennas or multiple frequency multiple antennas can be configured to meet the needs of shallow, medium and deep simultaneous detection

Multi-fold configuration: horizontal fold, longitudinal fold or arbitrary fold

For fast and detailed survey of expressway: the speed is up to 80km / h

Google 3D display of GPS survey line trajectory

Applicable to users who want to realize complex pipeline detection and 3D drawing, comprehensive highway detection, comprehensive airport runway detection, archaeology and other departments

It can realize the true three-dimensional radar data acquisition of one transmitter and multiple receivers and multi transmitters multi receivers, and meet the professional application in the scientific research field